How to Determine the Operational Status of Ultrasonic Transducers?

1. Effective selection of ultrasound transducers


Ultrasound transducer manufacturers often encounter situations where customers are unable to provide their actual usage and other detailed parameters, leading to incorrect selection of transducers. For ultrasound transducer manufacturers, they are relatively familiar with the design, implementation, and testing of ultrasound transducers, while for ultrasound equipment manufacturers, they are more familiar with the overall performance of the system and the environmental conditions of on-site applications.


Ultrasound transducer suppliers analyze the detailed information provided by customers, design ultrasound transducers that meet system requirements, and discuss the main parameters and system manufacturers to determine a solution. After producing ultrasound transducer samples and testing them, they make minor adjustments or directly produce in bulk based on the test results. Due to the various types of ultrasound transducer structures, providing only a small amount of parameters will lead to significant differences in performance, cost, and other details of the designed ultrasound transducers. Therefore, both parties conduct as detailed discussions and exchanges as possible on the ultrasound equipment system before determining the specific indicators of the ultrasound transducers, to maximize time and cost savings.


2. Determining the working status of ultrasound transducers


In order to determine the working status of medical ultrasound transducers, it is necessary to obtain the state equations of their mechanical vibration system and circuit system. The state equation of the mechanical system of ultrasound transducers describes the relationship between its force and vibration speed when the transducers are in working state, and the state equation of the circuit system describes the vibration characteristics of the circuit system. Since the mechanical and circuit systems of ultrasound transducers are coupled, the vibration of the mechanical system will affect the balance of the circuit, and the change of the circuit will also affect the vibration of the mechanical system. Therefore, we always use these equation groups to analyze and discuss the working characteristics of ultrasound transducers.


The three basic relation equations of ultrasound transducers can correspondingly produce three equivalent forms of ultrasound transducers. The first type is an equivalent mechanical diagram, which treats ultrasound transducers as a pure mechanical system. The second type uses mechanical components and parameters on one side to be transformed into circuit components and parameters on the other side, equivalent to a pure circuit system, and is called an equivalent circuit diagram. The third type is called an equivalent electromechanical diagram, which contains equivalent diagrams on both the circuit and mechanical sides. By using these equivalent diagrams, several important performance indicators of ultrasound transducers can be easily obtained.

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